Last night’s Oprah episode freaked me out, completely! If you’d seen it too, I’m sure you’ll know what I’m referring to. Imagine coming to know that the person you have been dating since some number of years has a disease…but wait! You figure this out after you’ve been dumped.

BIG CBS Love aired an episode where Diane, a 58-year-old martial arts teacher came on the Oprah Winfrey Show along with 4 other women who’d been diagnosed with the deadly HIV disease. Faith had it that they dated the same man, Philippe, who infected all of them.

Diane and Philippe quickly became serious and decided to move in together. When Philippe lost his job, Diane hired him as an instructor at her martial arts studio and started paying for most of his bills. Like every other couple, financial problems put a strain on their relationship and things got worse when Diane found out that Philippe was cheating on her.

But if you think it couldn’t get any more bad, think again! Diane went for a causal visit to her doctor and got the shock of her life. Philippe had given her a life-long parting gift, she could never get rid off – AIDS!

Unlike the others who would screw up their lives if such a thing happened to them, Diane turned out smart enough! She tracked down the other women Philippe was seeing and asked them to get checked too. Susan, Megan, Sofia and Tricia were among the other women who had suffered the same fate!

All of these women turned up on the Oprah Winfrey Show and shared with the world what they’d been through and also gave us all the message of being careful when we’re around strangers. The fab five filed a case against Philippe and landed him behind bars. But for them, their life was as good as over.

A very emotional Diane was heard saying, “We can’t look back. We can’t change the past, we only have to look forward, and that’s why we’re trying to change the future for other women.”

It’s probably the worst thing to happen anyone. *speechless*

Diane & the other women on the Oprah Winfrey Show


9 responses »

  1. good article….

  2. dude!!! this happens in india also … read abt so many incidences….. 😦 .. ppl are sick ..

  3. Well written post that points out very needed message .

  4. “It’s useless to hold a person to anything he says while he’s in love, drunk, or running for office.” ~ Shirley MacLaine

  5. First theyF&(% around and then they complain against aids. Also, since it is oprah’s show, the projections are against that guy and these women are of no fault..they have a case against him…man, law is such cliche !!!

    Its these women too that should be behind bars along with that guy !!!

    • You do have a point there. These women could’ve stayed away from doing what they did, or maybe even taken measures or protection. But shit happens!

      It’s definitely not about being on the Oprah show and everyone giving them sympathy. They’ve been through shit, their life is ruined. Guess we can’t just blame anyone in particular!


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